This show is entwined with romance, mystery, and violence...
The show was so disgusting starting off with I almost had to stop watching it. For example, during the very first scene of the show one of the ten Kouga clan goes and spits phlegm on a member of the ten Iga clan. The next thing is unexplainable, but when the battle ends they are both alive. So, I am still extremely grossed out but I push through it. The Kouga and The Iga clans are sworn enemies, however they must behave cordially because of the Hattori-Hanzo pact. Also, Gennosuke-sama of the Kouga and Oboro-sama of the Iga are betrothed to one another. The Kouga have currently accepted a friendly welcome to the family party hosted by the Iga. Kouga clan has a faint suspicion of evil plots being schemed behind their backs by the Iga clan. So, this show is definitely for mature audiences only but I really do enjoy it very much. Almost the entire time this show aired the Kouga and Iga clans thought that they were fighting because of a two-hundred year old feud between their clans. However, just before the last episode they discovered they were fighting for the line of succession of the Shogun's son. Without giving away any spoilers this time I say watch this show for yourself and discover whether you like it or not. As for me I enjoyed many parts of this show very much and I am rather sad that it ended because a part two would have been great. If Gennosuke-sama and Oboro-sama could have somehow been reincarnated and fell in love all over again that would have been excellent. Some parts of this show I disliked very much, but because of the good parts I would watch it again and I hope they'll make a sequel. Thanks again for reading my post everyone leave comments and ask questions.
The show was so disgusting starting off with I almost had to stop watching it. For example, during the very first scene of the show one of the ten Kouga clan goes and spits phlegm on a member of the ten Iga clan. The next thing is unexplainable, but when the battle ends they are both alive. So, I am still extremely grossed out but I push through it. The Kouga and The Iga clans are sworn enemies, however they must behave cordially because of the Hattori-Hanzo pact. Also, Gennosuke-sama of the Kouga and Oboro-sama of the Iga are betrothed to one another. The Kouga have currently accepted a friendly welcome to the family party hosted by the Iga. Kouga clan has a faint suspicion of evil plots being schemed behind their backs by the Iga clan. So, this show is definitely for mature audiences only but I really do enjoy it very much. Almost the entire time this show aired the Kouga and Iga clans thought that they were fighting because of a two-hundred year old feud between their clans. However, just before the last episode they discovered they were fighting for the line of succession of the Shogun's son. Without giving away any spoilers this time I say watch this show for yourself and discover whether you like it or not. As for me I enjoyed many parts of this show very much and I am rather sad that it ended because a part two would have been great. If Gennosuke-sama and Oboro-sama could have somehow been reincarnated and fell in love all over again that would have been excellent. Some parts of this show I disliked very much, but because of the good parts I would watch it again and I hope they'll make a sequel. Thanks again for reading my post everyone leave comments and ask questions.
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