Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Meanwhile in Anime/Manga

I have some questions for you all and I just want to know if you have any favorite shows that you would like to suggest that I watch and review. I also want to know what you are currently watching and what genre of Anime/Manga are you usually interested in.

1. What are your favorite Anime/Manga shows ?

2. Which show or shows would you reccomend to me for watch and review ?

3.What Anime/Manga are you currently watching ?

4. What Anime/Manga are you usually interested in ?

I will still be watching both the Anime shows I mentioned earlier while I am reviewing your answers.

There are no right or wrong answers for any of these questions they are based solely on you and your like, dislikes, and opinions.

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my post today and have fun answering these questions.